Embrace Advocacy
Welcome to Embrace Advocacy!
You deserve a compassionate, informed, safe and supportive maternity journey. But we know that women who are Black, Black Mixed Heritage or from Global Majority backgrounds, often face challenges that their white counterparts do not.
Voices are often not heard, things are done to you, without you and sometimes the care is “less than”. We know that health inequalities, in maternity care, harm you, your babies and your families and we are working to reduce those inequalities.
We offer:
Advice and support around how to navigate maternity system.
One to One support to help you make informed choices.
Access to local programs, support groups and educational workshops.
Collaborations with other social and health services to bring culturally competent care.
Signposting to legal services.
Debriefing – tell us your birth stories.
Join Embrace Advocacy today
We know your lived experiences. Let us stand by your side and advocate for you. We see, care and empower you to navigate maternity services and make informed choices. face to face and online classes available.